My interests:
It's that time of year Why not Earn some Extra Cash I'm disable so I work at home showing people how they can earn money surfing the net. Where else can you get a raise in pay whenever you want one, Not when someone else wants you to have it. You start earning as soon as you sign on. You will never be asked for a credit card #,social security #, nor will you be asked to send any money, buy or sell anything.The only MONEY to change hands is when you get PAID. When you decide to join, please let me know so I can help you increase your monthly income.I will be glad to help you build a home page to send to your friends to show what you have working for you. I see no reason why this could not be used as a fundraiser for churches,charities,and other civic organizations You are forced to look at hundreds of advertizing banners every time you go on the net. So why not get paid for it. That is how they justify paying you to surf, You simply run their banner at the top or bottom of your screen and get paid for the space on your screen for their adds ( None of the adds are offensive ) If you have any questions feel free to contact me at [email protected] or go to the question and answer link at the bottom of ths page. My icq number is 28844900 (mick27) feel free to add me to your contacts in icq PLEASE USE MY REFERRAL NUMBER BPO 290 WHEN U SIGN ON